In our recent update, we’ve introduced the ability to calculate speed in parallel and added precise profiling for each part of the speed calculation process. We’ve also reworked the logic for top k speed counters and remote IP speed retrieval. We’ve merged data and speed counters for a speed calculation process that’s approximately 1.74 times faster. Additionally, we’ve added the capability to specify next hop for host and subnet IPv4 announces independently and split blackhole logic for IPv4 and IPv6. We’ve also introduced new API queries and added options to control the number of returned elements. Lastly, we’ve fixed a bug with mixed prefix lengths in Mikrotik integration. Full details below.
- Introduced PoC ability to calculate speed in parallel
- Added very precise profiling for each part of speed calculation process and exported it via system_counters
- Reworked logic which returns top k speed counters via API
- Added comparator class to compare elements stored in unified storage with speed and traffic
- Migrated traffic increment logic for ipv4_remote_host_counters, ipv4_network_counters, ipv6_network_counters to use unified methods
- Reworked remote IP speed retrieval logic to standard API function
- Merged data and speed counters to use single std::unordered_map element for both of them. Expected speed up for speed calculation process is around 1.74 times
- Upgraded both traffic-database-ipv4 and traffic-database-ipv6 dashboards to fix duplicate AND in SQL query
- Added capability to specify next hop for host and subnet IPv4 announces independently using gobgp_next_hop_host_ipv4 and gobgp_next_hop_subnet_ipv4
- Split blackhole logic for IPv4 and IPv6 to two different functions
- Added API queries asn_counters_bulk_v4 and asn_counters_bulk_v6 to export whole structure of ASN counters
- Added option to control number of returned via API elements using max_elements parameter for host_counters_v6, host_counters, host_counters_per_hostgroup_v4, host_counters_per_hostgroup_v6, remote_host_counters
- Added query variable to set number of entries which can be returned by asn_counters_v4 and asn_counters_v6: max_elements
- Added option to pass number of arguments via query parameter
- Added logic to install version of installed Grafana from installer log output
- Added logic to explicitly create folders for provisioned files
- Fixed bug with mixed prefix lengths for IPv4 and IPv6 in Mikrotik integration. We had /128 for IPv4 and /32 for IPv6 which is completely incorrect