On this page we could review key differences FastNetMon Advanced and Community editions.
FastNetMon Advanced was developed with main goal to make hassle-free solution for business customers operating medium sized and large networks.
FastNetMon Community provides only limited number of capabilities absolutely necessary to detect DDoS attacks. It’s mostly targeted for small sized networks and test labs.
DDoS detection options
Feature name Community edition Advanced edition Volumetric DDoS detection Yes Yes Amplification attack detection Yes Yes Ability to block host under attack Yes Yes Rapid attack detectionNo Yes Ability to detect prefix under attack No Yes Arbitrary attack detection No Yes Ability to filter only malicious traffic (BGP Flow Spec) No Yes Ability to whitelist remote hosts No Yes Custom thresholds for different networks No Yes Ability to block remote attacker IPs No Yes Different thresholds for incoming and outgoing traffic No Yes Ability to create customized thresholds for L3, L4 traffic No Yes Support for BGP traffic diversion No Yes Integrations with Cloud based DDoS scrubbing centers No Yes
Feature name Community edition Advanced edition Bandwidth Up to ~40G Up to 5 Terabits Number of monitored hosts Tens of thousands Hundreds of thousands Monitored networks Dozens Thousands Custom thresholds groups 1 IPv6, ~10 for IPv4 2000+ Flow / s 10-20k Up to 800k per machine Monitored routers / switches 5-10 1000+
Traffic capture support
Feature name Community edition Advanced edition IPv6 support Yes Yes sFlow v5 support Yes Yes Netflow v5 support Yes Yes Netflow v9 support Yes Yes IPFIX support Yes Yes PSAMP , inline monitoring services, IPFIX 315No Yes GRE decapsulation No Yes VLAN stripping Yes Yes Google Compute Engine VPC Flow Logs No Yes FastNetMon Flow No Yes FastNetMon Flow with encryption No Yes Amazon AWS VPC Flow Logs No Yes Netflow / IPFIX template cache No Yes Optimized mirror capture / SPAN No Yes 1GE mirror capture support Yes Yes 10, 40, 100 GE mirror capture No Yes
Attack mitigation / notification options
Feature name Community edition Advanced edition Native BGP Unicast support No Yes Native BGP Flow Spec / RFC 5575 No Yes SMTP notification No Yes Slack support No Yes Telegram support No Yes Call script when attack arrives Yes Yes Call web hook when attack arrives No Yes Syslog alerts No Yes Attack alerts in Grafana No Yes Persistent traffic storage No Yes
Attack and traffic reporting
Feature name Community edition Advanced edition Graphite support Yes Yes InfluxDB support Yes Yes Clickhouse support No Yes Grafana dashboards support Basic Extended Pre calculated top talkers reports No Yes
Deployment options
Feature name Community edition Advanced edition Automatic install tool Basic Extended Rest based API No Yes ARM64, Ampere, Graviton support Yes Yes Network equipment configuration guides No Yes Configuration database No Yes Command line configuration tool fcli No Yes Binary .deb packages No Yes APT and RPM repositories No Yes OVA based deployment No Yes Official Docker images No Yes
Vendor compatibility
Feature name Community edition Advanced edition Cisco Yes Yes Juniper Yes Yes Brocade Yes Yes Extreme Yes Yes Nokia Yes Yes Arista Yes Yes Huawei Yes Yes Dell Yes Yes HP Yes Yes D-Link Yes Yes Netgate Yes Yes VyOS Yes Yes 6Wind Yes Yes Mikrotik Yes Yes A-10 Networks Yes Yes Radware Yes Yes