In FastNetMon Advanced we have complete support for native Telegram alerts about ban and unban actions for blackhole mode. It’s available starting from 2.0.329.
To use notifications you need to create bot in Telegram. To create bot you will need to contact special @BotFather account in Telegram and then follow instruction.
Then you will need to get user id (positive integer number) to send alerts to specific user account or group / chat ID (negative integer number) to send alerts to group which has multiple people. It can be done using web client for Telegram. After successful authentication in it you will see these numbers in browser’s address bar (-1124297600 in example) when you open private messages with user or open specific chat room:

After that you can use these numbers for field telegram_notifications_recipients.
You can enable Telegram integration using following options:
sudo fcli set main telegram_notifications_enabled true sudo fcli set main telegram_notifications_add_simple_packet_dump true sudo fcli set main telegram_notifications_bot_token secret_token sudo fcli set main telegram_notifications_recipients 12345 sudo fcli set main telegram_notifications_recipients -12345 sudo fcli commit
Example notification: