This script implements example notify script in Python which implements JSON interface for FastNetMon Advanced.

NB! JSON based script uses different arguments from text based notify script.

This script implemented in Python and does not need any additional libraries.

You can find detailed description of all data formats used by FastNetMon to pass information about attack here.

It prints all information received from FastNetMon to log file /tmp/fastnetmon_notify_script.log. Download example notify script from GitHub:


Please put it to file

sudo cp /usr/local/bin/

And set executable bit for it:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

You need to use following mode from FastNetMon to use this script properly:

sudo fcli set main notify_script_enabled enable
sudo fcli set main notify_script_format json
sudo fcli set main notify_script_path /usr/local/bin/
sudo fcli commit

More documentation about JSON formats you could find here

Attack status information

Starting from 2.0.359 FastNetMon has capability to call notify script for all blocked IPs (IPv4+IPv6) and pass attack details to it. Please note, that attack performance is not updated in this case, we plan to add this capability in future releases.

This capability can be enabled this way;

sudo fcli set main notify_script_attack_status_updates true
sudo fcli commit

You can configure how often FastNetMon runs this logic in seconds this way:

sudo fcli set main ban_status_delay 20
sudo fcli commit

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